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- Moose Spotting!
Moose Spotting!
Watch out for... moose? PLUS 1800s Schooner found, trees that clean pollution, and ski lodge revival
Mornin' to the hunters going on a bear hunt come this Friday when the Black Bear season opens. This is the Wiscampsin Weekly - the email that gets you in the know on the Wisconsin outdoors in 5 minutes or less. New reader? Subscribe here.
This week’s weekly:
Moose spotting! 👀
Combating pollution via trees? 🌲
Shipwreck found 🌊

Moose Spotted By Wisconsin Trail Cam
While the rest of the internet may get excited about a different kind of cam, us ‘Scons get nutty over… wildlife cams!
And folks, we just got something good.
Snapshot Wisconsin, a statewide network of trail cams used to monitor wildlife, just confirmed the first moose sighting of the year in Vilas County!
Moose? In this economy?
Between 30 and 50 moose sightings per year in Wisconsin
Wisconsin ranks 19th in the nation for moose population
After re-population efforts ~50 years ago, WI has 20-40 meese today (yes we know, the plural of moose is ‘moose’)
Moose in Wisconsin
The first mention of moose in the state occurred in 1661 when a Mr. Radisson shot one in Chequamegon Bay.
These big ‘ol beauts originally lived up nort’ in conifer-hardwood forests, north of 44 degrees latitude.
They were most populated in Douglas, Bayfield, and Burnett County.
But, like pretty much all of the big game in Wisconsin, the moose nearly went extinct in Wisconsin in the year 1900 due to…
Over-hunting, habitat loss, and disease. Classic.
It wasn’t until reintroduction efforts took place in the 80s and 90s that Moose could get a hoof-hold, and in 2002, the first moose calf was born in Wisconsin in more than a century.
The benefits of Moose-milk custard
Just kidding. But here are some moose fun facts:
The largest cervids (deer, elk, etc) in the world
Largest mammal besides the bison to be indigenous to WI
Height to shoulder: 5 - 7 ft
Weight: 700-1,400 lbs! Lay off the cheese curds, why dontcha!
Antlers “shed” or fall off annually and are eaten by critters for their nutrients
Lifespan: About 8 years
Can in fact swim! Watch this video of one swimming in Hurley, WI
Where does the name come from? Moose literally means “cuts or trims smooth” in Algonquin, which probably refers to moose stripping branches of their leaves.
But the future of moose…
…Is not looking good (at least in Wisconsin).
The publication, “Feasibility Assessment for the Reintroduction on North American Elk, Moose, and Caribou into Wisconsin” (Parker 1990), stated that while elk could likely succeed here in Wisconsin, moose would not.
Why? 1) Lack of suitable habitat in Wisco and 2) Whitetail deer.
Whitetail deer?! Yes, when the population of deer is more than 10 per square mile, moose are especially in danger of succumbing to a Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, or a brainworm that is deadly to moose.
In fact, this little bugger killed between 40-70% in 1990.
All of that is to say, we should appreciate our moose while we got ‘em (or get involved with conservation to see if we can find a solution, like habitat rebuilding).
See this map for moose sightings in the state, and get out ‘der!
Other great Wiscampsin reads…
Shop Wiscampsin
Wisconsin State Bird Art Print: “Very nicely made, great colors and design. It looks amazing in my home. Keep it up Wiscampsin ❤️” - Peggy
Wiscampsin Badgers Tee: “It’s the perfect t-shirt to show off my love for camping and Wisconsin at the same time :)” - Emily
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Wiscampsin Weekly Poll
Three out of 4 readers have 1-3 WI state park pass stickers on their windshield and zero have 10+ (thankfully—sounds like a driving hazard). Looks like we have to check back on this one next year!
Have you ever seen a Moose in Wisconsin?Click on your answer below to see live results! |
Nuts and Seeds 🌰
🎿 Reviving the Telemark Lodge: If you’ve never been to Cable, Wisconsin on a telemark ski trip, you’re seriously missing out. But in year’s past, it’s kinda fallen off the wayside. That’s why the Birke, in its 50th year, is aiming to totally revamp this legendary lodge and surrounding trails for generations to come. See the plan here!
🌳 The hero we need, but don’t deserve: A Bayfield tree farm is unveiling a new tree, the InnovaTree, that has been engineered to remove more carbon from the atmosphere, and more toxins from soil, due to its extremely fast growth rate. Researchers say it was “built for the upper midwest.” Sounds like it was built by Tony Stark…
🛥 Schooner? Barely know ‘er!: Maritime historians found a 156-year-old Schooner off the shore of Algoma, WI. The Trinidad, primarily used in trade between Chicago and Oswego, New York, sank in 1881 (must a been a FIB driving). It’s so well preserved that the crews’ possessions are still visible!
Sponsored by Campnab:
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Aw cripes.
Not only is your spouse totally ticked off, but now you might be stuck inside this weekend (instead of camping at your favorite State Park).
Or… you could sign up for Campnab. Campnab texts you when sold-out campgrounds become available, so you can snag last-minute reservations with ease.
As seen on Outside Online and RV Travel:
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TL;DR–you’ll spend less time searching for reservations, and more time camping.
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Meme of the Week 😂

A review from the trail… Happy you like it! Just make sure to return to your family (eventually) 😉

Well, how'd we do this week? |